Do Labradors Hunt & Kill Squirrels? (All You Should Know)

By Benjamin Tash

Are you intrigued by the hunting prowess of Labradors when it comes to squirrels?

Wondering if these friendly and energetic dogs have the natural instincts and skills to chase down and capture these nimble creatures?

If you’re eager to explore Labradors’ capabilities as squirrel hunters, you’ve landed in the right spot.

Here’s Whether or Not Labradors Kill Squirrels:

Labradors, known for their high energy levels and strong prey drive, are indeed capable of chasing and potentially killing squirrels. However, this behavior is not a guarantee and largely depends on individual factors such as the dog’s breeding line, training, socialization, age, health, and temperament.

Labs from hunting lines with high prey drives are more likely to engage in such behavior compared to show lines or Labs that have been specifically trained not to chase. Younger, healthier Labs may also be more prone to chasing due to their higher energy levels and agility.

However, with proper training and socialization, Labs can be taught to control their impulses and refrain from chasing and killing squirrels.

In this article, we’ll dive deeper into 5 main factors that determine whether or not individual Labradors are capable of catching and killing squirrels, and whether or not you should worry about it.

We’ll also touch on the ways on how to train your Lab to lay off the habit of chasing after squirrels. 

do labradors kill squirrels

5 Factors That Determine Whether or Not Labs Will Chase After and Kill Squirrels

I. Breeding Line 

When it comes to the question of whether Labrador Retrievers, or Labs, will chase and potentially kill squirrels, one of the most significant factors is the dog’s breeding line.

And hunting line Labs are more likely to chase after and kill squirrels. 

Here are five reasons why hunting line Labradors are more likely to exhibit this behavior compared to other types of Labradors:

1) Genetic predisposition

Hunting line Labradors are the result of selective breeding for specific traits, including a high prey drive and keen hunting instincts. 

These dogs have been bred for generations to track, chase, and retrieve game. This isn’t just a learned behavior; it’s a part of their genetic makeup. 

For example, a study published in the Journal of Heredity found that hunting behavior in dogs has a strong genetic component. 

This contrasts with Labradors from show lines or puppy mills, which are often bred with a focus on appearance rather than hunting ability.

These dogs may not have the same innate drive to chase and catch small animals like squirrels.

2) Training

Hunting line Labradors are often trained from a young age to hone their natural hunting instincts.

This training can involve tracking scents, retrieving game, and responding to whistle commands. 

It’s a rigorous process that requires patience, consistency, and an understanding of the breed’s natural instincts.

This training can inadvertently make them more likely to chase squirrels, as the behaviors involved in hunting (tracking, chasing, retrieving) are similar to those involved in chasing squirrels.

In contrast, show line or pet line Labradors may not receive this type of training.

Instead, their training may focus more on obedience and manners, which could make them less likely to chase and catch squirrels.

3) Physical Capabilities

Hunting line Labradors are typically bred for physical prowess. They are often larger, more muscular, and have greater endurance than their show line counterparts.

This physicality allows them to chase squirrels effectively. 

Their speed and agility, coupled with their determination and focus, make them formidable hunters.

A squirrel’s natural defense is its speed and agility, but a fit, athletic Labrador may be able to match or even surpass a squirrel’s speed over short distances. 

On the other hand, show line Labradors or those from puppy mills may not have the same level of physical fitness.

They may be smaller, less muscular, or less agile, making them less effective at chasing and catching squirrels.

Read also: Do Labradors Hunt & Kill Mice? (Everything You Need To Know)

II. Prey Drive

Let’s delve even deeper into the concept of prey drive and how it influences a Labrador’s likelihood to chase and potentially kill squirrels.

1) Innate Instinct

Prey drive is an instinctual behavior that is hardwired into the genetics of many dog breeds, including Labradors and this instinct was originally bred into them for hunting and retrieving game. 

Labradors with a higher prey drive have a stronger instinct to chase, catch, and sometimes kill small animals like squirrels.

This is a fundamental part of their nature and not something that can be easily trained out of them. It’s like an internal motor that gets revved up when they see a small, fast-moving creature. 

In contrast, Labradors bred for show or from puppy mills may have a more subdued prey drive.

These dogs are often bred with a focus on appearance rather than hunting ability, which can result in a lower prey drive.

Explore more on how a Labrador’s instinct can make them chase and hunt after small animals like rabbits here: Can Labs Hunt Rabbits? (9 Ways Of How They Can)

2) Stimulation and Exercise

Labradors with a high prey drive require more mental and physical stimulation and chasing squirrels can provide both.

The act of stalking, chasing, and catching a squirrel can be a rigorous workout and a mentally stimulating game for these dogs.

It’s like a puzzle they need to solve, keeping their minds sharp and bodies active. 

On the other hand, Labradors with a lower prey drive may be content with less intense forms of exercise and mental stimulation. 

They might prefer a leisurely walk or a simple game of fetch over the thrill of a squirrel chase.

Check Also: How To Stop Labradors Chasing Hares  (12-Step Training Guide + Tips)

3) Sensory Stimulation

Labradors with a high prey drive have a keen sense of smell and sight which can trigger their prey drive.

The sight of a squirrel darting across their path or the scent of a squirrel in their yard can stimulate their prey drive and initiate a chase. 

This sensory stimulation can be particularly strong in Labradors with a high prey drive.

In contrast, Labradors with a lower prey drive may not be as stimulated by these sensory cues. They might notice the squirrel, but not feel compelled to give chase.

Check also: Do Labs Hunt & Kill Birds? (All You Should Know)

III. Training and Socialization 

Trained and socialized Labradors are less likely to compulsively chase and kill squirrels, as compared to untrained and unsocialized Labs.

Here’s how and why:

1) Command Recognition

Trained Labradors are not only taught to understand commands, but they are also conditioned to respond to them promptly.

This means that when they’re about to chase a squirrel, a timely command from the owner can interrupt and prevent this behavior.

For instance, a command like “leave it” is not merely about understanding the words, but it’s about the Labrador making the connection that obeying this command leads to a positive outcome, such as praise or a treat. 

In contrast, an untrained Lab may hear the command but without the conditioning and reinforcement, they may choose to ignore it.

This is especially true in high-stimulation situations, like when a squirrel is in sight. The instinct to chase can easily override a command that hasn’t been reinforced through training.

2) Impulse Control

A Labrador who had undergone an impulse control training is able to resist chasing a squirrel and focus their energy elsewhere. 

This could involve redirecting their attention to a toy (Amazon) or task. For example, if a squirrel runs by, a trained Lab might look to their owner for guidance, or engage with a toy, instead of giving chase.

This level of control is achieved through consistent training and positive reinforcement. 

An untrained Lab, however, may not have this level of impulse control. Without an alternative focus, their energy goes into the chase.

Related article: Can Labs Coon Hunt? (7 Facts You Must Know)

3) Socialization Impact

Socialization is about more than just exposure to different animals and environments.

It’s about teaching Labradors appropriate behavior in various situations. 

A well-socialized Lab will have learned that squirrels, like other small animals, are not threats or toys, but fellow creatures to coexist with.

This understanding often comes from positive experiences with a variety of animals during their early socialization period. 

For instance, a Lab that has been gently introduced to small animals in a controlled environment will be less likely to see a squirrel as a target. 

On the other hand, an unsocialized Lab may not have had these experiences, and may view squirrels, and other small animals, as exciting or even threatening and are more likely to act on their instincts — triggering a squirrel chase.

Related article: Do Labradors Kill Snakes? (All You Should Know)

IV. Individual Personality 

Each Labrador has a unique personality that can significantly influence their behavior towards squirrels. Here are three sub-factors that play a role:

1) Natural Curiosity vs. Indifference

Labradors with a high degree of natural curiosity are like detectives of the dog world.

They are always on the lookout for something interesting, and a squirrel, with its quick movements and bushy tail, can be an irresistible mystery. 

For example, a curious Labrador might spot a squirrel in the yard and immediately go into investigation mode, tracking its movements, and possibly giving chase.

This doesn’t necessarily mean they intend to harm the squirrel; it’s often more about the thrill of the chase. 

On the other hand, some Labradors may exhibit a more indifferent attitude. These dogs might glance at a squirrel and then go back to their nap or their chew toy.

They don’t see the squirrel as a playmate or a threat, just another part of their environment.

This could be due to a variety of factors, including age, health, or simply a more laid-back personality.

2) Energetic Nature vs. Calm Disposition

Labradors are known for their high energy levels, especially when they’re young. An energetic Labrador might see a squirrel as a fantastic playmate – a moving target to chase around the yard.

This can be particularly true if the dog isn’t getting enough other forms of exercise. 

For instance, a young Labrador might spend hours chasing squirrels at the park if he doesn’t have other outlets for his energy.

However, a Labrador with a calmer disposition, or one that’s getting plenty of exercise in other ways, is less likely to be interested in squirrels. 

A well-exercised Labrador might see a squirrel and decide it’s not worth the energy to chase after it.

For example, an older might prefer to spend her afternoon napping in the sun rather than chasing squirrels.

3) Aggression or Territoriality vs. Non-aggressive and Non-territorial Behavior

While Labradors are generally known for their friendly nature, like any breed, they can exhibit a range of behaviors. 

A Labrador that tends to be more aggressive or territorial might see a squirrel as an intruder on their property. This could lead to a chase, and if the dog catches the squirrel, it could potentially be harmful.

For instance, a Lab who has shown territorial behavior in the past might react aggressively to a squirrel in his yard.

Conversely, a non-aggressive Labrador is less likely to see a squirrel as a threat.

For instance, a Labrador that is known for its gentle and friendly nature might notice a squirrel at the yard but have no interest in chasing or harming it.

All in all, while some Labradors might chase squirrels due to their natural curiosity, high energy levels, or territorial instincts, others may be indifferent, calm, or non-aggressive and show little interest in squirrels.

It’s important to remember that every Labrador is an individual, and their behavior can be influenced by many factors, including their upbringing, training, and overall health.

Check also: Can A Labrador Kill A Wolf? (A Detailed and Complete Analysis)

V. Age & Health

Let’s delve deeper into the factors related to the age and health of a Labrador that influence its inclination to chase and potentially kill squirrels:

1. Energy Levels

Younger Labs are known for their high energy levels. This energy often translates into a strong desire for play and exploration, which can include chasing small animals like squirrels.

 A study titled [“Energy intake, growth rate and body composition of young Labrador Retrievers and Miniature Schnauzers fed different dietary levels of vitamin A“]suggests that the energy intake of puppies, particularly during early growth, is highly variable. 

This high energy often translates into a strong desire for play and exploration, which could include chasing small animals like squirrels.

However, as the Labrador matures, its energy levels may decrease, reducing the likelihood of chasing squirrels. 

On the other hand, older Labs, especially those with health issues such as arthritis or heart conditions, may not have the same energy levels to engage in a chase.

Their physical limitations may deter them from pursuing squirrels, focusing instead on conserving their energy for essential activities.

2. Physical Agility

The physical agility of a Labrador plays a significant role in its ability to chase and potentially catch a squirrel.

Young Labs are typically more agile and faster, which makes them more capable of catching a squirrel.

They can quickly change direction and speed, which is crucial when chasing a squirrel that is trying to evade them.

A study in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior found that younger dogs generally have better motor skills and agility compared to older dogs. 

However, as Labs age, they may develop joint issues or other health problems that limit their agility.

For instance, conditions like hip dysplasia, common in older Labs, can significantly reduce their mobility and speed, making the chase for squirrels a challenging, if not impossible, task.

3. Sensory Acuity

The sensory acuity of a Labrador also plays a crucial role in their ability to detect and chase squirrels. Younger Labs have sharper senses.

Their keen eyesight, acute hearing, and strong sense of smell can help them detect a squirrel from a distance, even in a densely wooded area or amidst tall grass. 

A study in the Journal of Comparative Psychology found that dogs have a keen sense of smell that can detect the scent of small mammals like squirrels. However, as Labs age, their senses may decline. 

Age-related conditions like cataracts can impair their vision, while a decreased sense of smell can make it harder for them to detect the presence of a squirrel.

This decline in sensory acuity can significantly reduce their ability to spot or hear a squirrel, making the chase less likely.

In contrast, older Labs or those with health issues may not exhibit the same level of energy, agility, and sensory acuity.

Their physical limitations and decreased senses may deter them from engaging in a chase, even if their instinct drives them to do so. 

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Should You Be Worried About Your Lab Killing A Squirrel? 

Yes. Pet owners should take appropriate measures to stem this behavior from the get-go if they find their Labradors engaging in compulsive squirrel chasing behavior.

Here’s why Lab owners should take this issue seriously:

1) Development of Behavioral Issues

If your Lab develops a habit of chasing and killing squirrels, this could potentially lead to a range of behavioral issues.

For instance, they might start to see other small pets as prey, leading to conflicts in multi-pet households. 

They might also become more likely to ignore recall commands when they’re focused on the chase, which could put them in danger if they run off into a busy street or get lost.

Moreover, if they do manage to catch and kill a squirrel, this could reinforce the behavior, making it more difficult to train them out of it.

It’s important to nip this behavior in the bud by redirecting their energy towards more appropriate activities, like fetch or agility training.

2) Associated Health Risks 

The health risks associated with your Lab catching and eating squirrels are not to be taken lightly.

Squirrels, like many wild animals, can carry a range of diseases and parasites that can be transmitted to your dog. 

For instance, squirrels can be carriers of ticks that transmit Lyme disease, a condition that can cause serious health complications in dogs, including joint inflammation, fever, and neurological problems. 

Moreover, squirrels can be infected with rabies, a deadly virus that can be transmitted to dogs through a bite.

While rabies is relatively rare in most areas, it’s still a risk that should not be ignored. 

Another concern is the potential for internal parasites. Squirrels can be hosts to various types of worms, including roundworms and tapeworms, which can be passed on to your dog if they eat an infected squirrel.

These parasites can cause a range of health issues in dogs, from digestive problems to more serious conditions if left untreated.

Furthermore, if your Lab manages to catch and kill a squirrel, there’s also the risk of physical injury.

Squirrels have sharp claws and teeth and will fight back when cornered, potentially injuring your dog. 

Lastly, if your Lab consumes the squirrel, there’s the risk of gastrointestinal obstruction, especially if they ingest the bones.

This can be a serious, life-threatening condition that requires immediate veterinary attention.

Because of these potential health risks, it’s advisable to prevent your Lab from chasing and catching squirrels whenever possible.

Regular veterinary check-ups and keeping your dog’s vaccinations and parasite preventatives up-to-date can also help protect them from the diseases that squirrels can carry.

As a nuance — It’s important to remember that the instinct to chase is deeply ingrained in the DNA of Labrador Retrievers.

This breed was originally developed for retrieving game in the hunting field which often involved chasing and retrieving small, fast-moving animals.

However, this instinctual drive doesn’t necessarily translate into a desire to kill. In fact, Labs are known for their “soft mouth,” a trait bred into them to allow them to carry game without damaging it.

They’re more likely to see a squirrel as a playmate than as prey. But remember, every dog is an individual, and some may have a stronger prey drive than others.

It’s always important to supervise your Lab around small animals and intervene if play becomes too rough.

Read also: Can A Labrador Beat/Kill A German Shepherd? (A Detailed & Complete Analysis)

How To train Your Lab To Lay Off The Habit of Chasing After and Killing Squirrels

Training your Labrador Retriever to resist the urge to chase and kill squirrels can be a challenging task, but with patience, consistency, and the right approach, it’s certainly achievable.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to go about it:

1. Start with Basic Obedience Training

Before you can effectively train your Lab to resist chasing squirrels, they need to have a solid foundation in basic obedience. Commands like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “leave it” are essential.

These commands are the building blocks that will allow you to control your dog’s behavior when they’re tempted to chase a squirrel.

2. Utilize Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in dog training. Whenever your Lab obeys a command, especially in a situation where they’re tempted to chase a squirrel, reward them with a treat, praise, or a favorite toy.

This will help them associate obeying commands with positive outcomes, making them more likely to comply in the future.

3. Introduce Distractions Gradually

Training your Lab to resist chasing squirrels in a quiet backyard is one thing, but doing it in a park full of distractions is another.

Start by training in a controlled environment, then gradually introduce distractions. This could start with a stuffed toy squirrel, then progress to training sessions in the park when real squirrels are present.

Here’s a more detailed look at how you can effectively implement this strategy:

● Start Small

Begin training in a quiet, controlled environment with minimal distractions.

This could be inside your home or in a quiet backyard. Your Lab should first learn to reliably respond to commands in these settings.

● Introduce a Toy Squirrel

Once your Lab is responding well to commands in a distraction-free environment, you can start to introduce controlled distractions. A good place to start is with a toy squirrel. (Amazon)

Play with your Lab and the toy, then practice your commands. If your Lab can successfully obey commands with the toy squirrel present, they’re making progress.

● Increase the Level of Distraction

 Gradually increase the level of distraction. You might start to practice commands with the toy squirrel moving around, or introduce other distractions like new sounds or other people.

● Practice in Different Environments

 Once your Lab is reliably responding to commands with various distractions present, start practicing in different environments.

This could include your front yard, a local park, or anywhere else where squirrels are likely to be present.

● Introduce Real Squirrels

The final step is to practice commands in the presence of real squirrels. This is likely to be the most challenging step, as real squirrels are much more exciting to your Lab than a toy.

Start with a long leash (Amazon) for safety and control, and be patient. It may take time for your Lab to reliably respond to commands with real squirrels around.

4. Use a Long Leash for Training

A long leash can be a useful tool when training your Lab to resist chasing squirrels.

It allows your dog some freedom while still giving you control. If your Lab tries to chase a squirrel, you can use the leash to guide them back to you, then give the “leave it” command.

5. Consistency is Key

 Consistency is crucial in any form of dog training. Make sure everyone in your household is on the same page and uses the same commands.

If one person allows the dog to chase squirrels while another person doesn’t, it will confuse your Lab and hinder the training process.

6. Seek Professional Help If Needed

If you’re struggling to train your Lab to stop chasing squirrels, don’t hesitate to seek help from a professional dog trainer.

They can provide you with personalized advice and strategies tailored to your Lab’s personality and behavior.

Remember, training a dog to resist their natural instincts is a process that takes time and patience.

There may be setbacks along the way, but with consistency and perseverance, your Lab can learn to resist the urge to chase and kill squirrels — it’s entirely achievable! 


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